

Often, we regret missing out on our beloved local live events and shows, feeling a pang of sadness as we watch recordings of them on various social platforms. This occurrence begs the question: why does it happen? In our hectic lifestyles, we receive such information through sporadic sources like newspapers or social media postings, not guaranteeing that everyone is keeping a daily eye on these updates.

To address this issue, we've consolidated all events and shows into over 20 exclusive categories on a single platform. This isn't just for our local audience; it also provides global information. Users can view overseas show listings and invite friends to attend. This innovative approach aims to enhance daily lifestyles.


Modules of Kokaki


Kokaki is a mobile app and typically consist of various modules or sections that cater to different  aspects of event management and attendee experience.

Dashboard: overview of upcoming events, personalized recommendations, and quick access to essential features.

Event Listings: Displaying a comprehensive list of upcoming events.

Event Detail: Feature provides comprehensive information about a specific event

Registration and Ticketing: Allowing users to register for events and buy tickets securely within the app.

Interactive Maps: Offers interactive maps of event venues.

Notifications: Push notifications to users about important updates

Social Media Integration: Allows users to share their event experiences on social media platforms.

Key Features Overview: Highlighted important features in a clear and concise manner.

Eye-catching Visuals: High-quality images and graphics showcases the app's interface, features and events.

Event Listings: Showcase upcoming events that users can access through the app.

Interactive Elements: Interactive elements engage our visitors and make the landing page more dynamic.


Unique Selling Point

→ Our AI service enables any visitor to easily share pictures of any event through quick event posting from their mobile device.

→ While traveling, they simply need to capture a picture of the event banner or any hoarding they encounter and share it with the Kokaki app, providing minimal details.

→Our AI service scans the image to extract key information, which our team manually cross-checks for further approval before posting the event, even if the user is not the event host. Isn't that great?